Next Sunday, I will be in Toronto running my first 5k! Now, for someone like The Mr. who runs 5k+ every morning before going to work, this is nothing. But for me, it might as well be a triathlon!
All through training, I had this one pair of shorts. They were so bright and happy, whenever I put them on, I was ready to go! So, they got me thinking, what if I could bring in a happy highlighter-yellow accent to keep me going at home?!
PS- I am running in memory of the late Danny Kassap, a talented runner who left us much too soon. If you are interested in learning more about Danny’s amazing story, you can click here and here.
theROOM says
Qué envidia me dais las corredoras. Yo siempre quiero intentarlo, pero nunca me animo.
Fijate si será así, que esta noche he soñado que aguantaba 20 min del tirón 😉
amy b.s. says
good luck with the run! fun running clothes make all the difference.
thestripedelephant says
Good luck! 🙂
Lori says
Good for you – good luck!
bravoerunway says
Good luck with the 5K! I ran one a few years ago and it took me about 30 minutes, after college, running was too hard on my knees so now I just walk. I had no idea you were married Santa!
Vic says
Good on you Santa, and best of luck – have fun. I love running, if I can drag my self out of bed early enough. Running in the morning when all is quiet and most people are still in bed is fantastic. It makes me happy for the rest of the day. xxx
Katherine says
Oh I so admire you for doing the 5k…! I am so out of shape…that is amazing.
homestilo says
I am actually really nervous about the whole thing- so thank you all so much for the support!
@Helena I had a hard time getting motivated too until I the race came up- because I knew I had something to work towards. Animo mujer- que si yo puedo, puede cualquiera!
@Amy- totally agree!
I’ve been obsessed with this color ever since Cambridge came out with those neon satchels. Great post!
h.s.bestie says
well… 5k came and went and you beat most of the your Canadian family! so it is obvious the highlighter yellow works as you were the only one sporting it besides aunt Karen (who was the only adult;) who beat you:)
i love you to pieces forever and ever francesco cocooooooooooo
homestilo says
And up next: 10k?!? It is always great to spend time with my amazing adoptive Canadian Fam!